In the main event i played prty solid for along time then got moved to a super bad table and my plays didnt worked out so ended in the middle of day3 and 500 before the monies there.
In the 6 weeks, i traveld with friends to LA for a weekend which was besides the edc festival the only freetime i took off from the grind.
Cashgames wheren´t that great as the year before big0 (5card o8). Many ppl i knew from the last 2 years and they basicly just trying to play the nuts, so not very fun to play against. The chinese pinapple games where really good. Kinda amazing tbh :)
A while ago i started working with my buddy on a new project. He founded a new site and i kinda support him with ideas for the future.
The site its called!
For the near future im planing on posting blogs and maybe some content there. Right now im thinking about posting a video about OFC pinapple. Many of my friends are realy into this game and gamble it like nonstop. In Vegas i was around couple rly good players and talked alot of strategy so i feel kinda good about giving some basic informations about the game to anybody in the near future!
It was definitly nice to see many people again, that living far away and you dont have around you very often. Next trip will be to barcelona, where the ept is going to celebrate there 100 stop. After this i might go to the caribeen befor the pca this time to the cpt saint martin, friends of mine told me its amazing place so i might check it out :).
Definitly planing on blogging more again about how games going online, right now the lobby doesnt look to pretty to grind, but last 2 days i battled some regular guy hu in 5card o8 and did pretty ok for beeing out of shape and lasy for 8 weeks but somehow i ran decent and having fun again playing online. So i guess i stay into it for awhile and the goodrun continues :)
some random pics from the trip i wont hide.